It's nearly spring, sap is rising, are you ready for love?

It's nearly spring, the sap is rising, are you ready for love? How about spring cleaning your life in antisipation of a new romance? Ask yourself, are yu physically fit enough to cope with a new partner after the long winter months curled up by the fire? No, well get out and about, walk, join a gym, swim or go dancing. Get your fitness levels up, and ride on the waves of the feel good hormones, endorphins. Have you heared about endorphins? They are a natural mood elevator that your body will release after exsertion. They will make you feel good, and look relaxed and happy. This healthy glow and feel good factor may be just the thing that helps you attract a mate so get out there and get moving. You may even meet someone rather nice down the gym:)

<span"font-size:78%;">Technorati Tags:<span"font-size:78%;">spring time romance<span"font-size:78%;">